Healing Comfort Foods

My grandmother’s kitchen was warm and cozy. ‪In a corner of the kitchen was an age-old stove. On it sat a ancient copper pot that held an equally ancient grain. Ganji, a simple rice and water porridge was an all day affair. It was served with all the main meals and sometimes as a snack too. Our grandmother tended lovingly to the pot all day long and we could count on getting a bowl of the hot, steaming porridge whenever we cared for it. I remember once when I was all of six years old and my best friend declared that she had a new best friend, running into her kitchen to cry my heart out. While listening to my tearful outburst, she handed me a bowl of steaming ganji. ‬

‪As I worked through the bowl of the rice porridge, my distress disappeared. After finishing the bowl I”d be ready to face the world again‬. A bowl of my grandmother’s ganji could fix anything; a digestive upset, a badly bruised knee or a raging fever. It could mend broken hearts too. As a girl firmly inclined towards drama, I ate many bowls of ganji to mend and soothe my numerous heartbreaks and hurt feelings.‬

‪As I have grown older, I have grown even more attached to the humble dish, for it is no mere porridge, it is nourishment and contentment beyond compare. I turn to my old buddy for comfort whenever I have had a hard day or sometimes simply when I want to take a break from complicated food. Making it is easy, all you need is a cup of rice, a large pot and lots of water. Cook the rice until it turns into a thick pearly porridge and serve! Traditional accompaniments included, but a dollop of ghee, mango pickle, chutney powder or a dry vegetable.‬‬
I have also tried it with grated ginger and fennel and sometimes with dates, coconut milk and goji berries for a delicious sweet treat.

‪Equally prized by Ayurveda and traditional Indian medicine for its healing properties ganji, kanji or congee acts as a first line of treatment for many ailments. Easy to digest and assimilate, it is said to strengthen digestion and give a quick burst of energy. Traditional Chinese medicine practitioners routinely prescribe a congee regimen to people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome‬

If rice is not your grain try making it with millet, quinoa or amaranth. Whether you want to give your digestive system a break or want comfort food that is easy to make, try a bowl of ganji. It will heal your soul too.

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Hi, my name is Arathi and I write about small changes, edits if you will, that you can make to your lifestyle to create spectacular health and wellbeing. Latest research, soulful experiences, delicious recipes and loving encouragement, you will find it all here.

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