How to Prevent Ear Infections

Ear infections in children are a common childhood illness. While common, they can cause extreme discomfort in children and often result in a trip to the doctor”s office and a prescription for an antibiotic. In addition, sometimes children who suffer an ear infection cannot hear well for sometime after the infection clears. Children suffering frequent ear infections may have language delays due to having hearing problems in a developmental phase that is critical for language acquisition. Some simple proactive steps go a long way in preventing this painful condition.

Things You”ll Need

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Spices
  • Garlic
  • Xylitol gum, lozenges, nasal spray, toothpaste, or syrup.

Tips for Preventing Ear Infections

  • Strengthen a child”s immune system by giving them a nutritious diet. Introduce them to a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, and use immune boosting spices like garlic, ginger and turmeric to spice their food. Gradually introduce new foods to picky eaters in a visually pleasing way to get them to eat a wider variety of foods.
  • Consider moving a child who suffers from frequent ear infection to a smaller day care setting or a school. Children in a smaller school have a lesser chance of developing frequent colds and ear infections.
  • Don”t smoke around children or stop smoking altogether. Ear casino infections frequently occur in children who are exposed to cigarette smoke at home. A 1997 University of Calgary confirms a link between second hand smoke exposure and ear infections in children. A recent 2008 study from the Telethon Institute of Child Health in Perth confirms the earlier findings.
  • Breastfeed babies for at least a year to prevent ear infections in the future. A 2002 study conducted at the University of Rochester on breastfeeding and ear infections confirmed that babies who were breastfed for six months as opposed to four months had a two fold increase in protection against ear infections.
  • Improve quality of indoor air and reduce indoor allergens by cleaning often. A high quality vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter can reduce indoor allergens significantly. Wash bed linen in hot water and change sheets once a week in a child”s room.
  • Have a child who is susceptible to ear infections chew xylitol sweetened gum. Xylitol is a common sweetener that is extremely safe, and inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause ear infections. Consider using a nasal xylitol spray or a xylitol syrup for younger children who cannot chew gum yet.

Other Suggestions and Warnings

  • Avoid giving a bottle or sippy cup to a child who is lying down.
  • Treat allergies to prevent ear infections.
  • Avoid having too many stuffed animals on a child”s bed.
  • Clean and disinfect toys often, especially during winter months.
  • Xylitol is toxic to dogs!


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Hi, my name is Arathi and I write about small changes, edits if you will, that you can make to your lifestyle to create spectacular health and wellbeing. Latest research, soulful experiences, delicious recipes and loving encouragement, you will find it all here.

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